Find out more about our baby swimming classes in Sydney
Our “Ducklings” program for babies lasts for a year. This early development stage is key for water familiarisation and building confidence as they grow physically and change mentally. During the Ducklings baby swim classes you will get to enjoy seeing your baby swim on the surface and underwater, learn some lifesaving skills, enjoy chasing toys around the pool, swim with noodles, swim and float on their backs, learn to kick their legs, paddle their arms and blow bubbles along with singing some of their favourite nursery rhymes. Submersion is one of the key skills your baby will learn and it is important to understand and learn when, and when not to do this.
Your little fledgling then ventures into toddlerhood and commences with our exciting “Ducks” baby swimming classes. With the Ducks toddler program we have included activities that will help them to build on their swimming technique. We focus on body positioning, introduce stroke techniques, encourage toddlers to put their face underwater on their own, blowing bubbles underwater, independent swimming on noodles and of course teaching these little monkeys how to be safe in the water! The baby swim classes we offer in Sydney work on getting your children to a point where they can swim independently and as close to the surface of the water as they approach 3 years of age.
Lessons run for 30 minutes which, given our pools are comfortably heated, is ample time for a little one.
The pools are all shallow, no more than 1.2m in depth so if the carer is small or cannot swim, there won’t be any problems. Our teachers all have valid CPR qualifications.
All babies will be allocated to baby swimming classes depending on their experience and age. Please contact us to discuss your baby and suitable lesson times.
Our baby swim classes in Sydney cost between $32.50 to $35 per lesson and are paid in advance for the full course (i.e. you can’t pay per lesson) and there are 5 makeup classes allowed per term subject to availability. (for learn to swim classes aged 3-6, go to our FAQ’s)
We generally run our baby swimming classes in Sydney during the school terms and break for the school holidays.
Lesson Types
Ducklings 1
Exciting times for you and baby! For many this is an early introduction to swimming. We gently and gradually teach correct holding of your baby for the various techniques including floating and front swimming. Submersions are an important and necessary part of their development and baby (and you) will learn about word commands for breath control as we introduce you both to swimming underwater at this early stage, whilst also still having loads of fun.
Ducklings 2
For these baby swim classes you will both be a whole lot more confident in the water and you will be spending some time with baby under the surface! We introduce kicking and reaching activities, and blowing bubbles on the surface of the water to promote their affinity with the water. Your little one should be able to hold on the pool side on their own by the end of this term.
Ducklings 3
For these baby swimming classes babies will have a greater understanding in their non-watery world and are physically a good deal stronger. They will enjoy entering into the pool unaided and are able to swim longer distances underwater. Safety drills, even at this early stage, are necessary and we will focus on their ability to hold on to the pool side and if they are strong enough, to scramble out of the water.
Ducklings 4
Some of the swims with parents become more complex as you both approach an advanced status and prepare for next years “Ducks” baby swimming classes. Your little one will develop diving skills and push and glide swims from the pool side. The safety drills continue and most babies will be combining their kicking and reaching skills to be able to propel themselves unaided.
Ducks 1 – 6
Our primary focus throughout the “Ducks” toddler program is to maintain their affinity with the water and keep them confident using a variety of methods and equipment that the kids just love! Still preserving our fun and nurturing environment, we subtly concentrate on correct body position and stroke technique that will make them become proficient little swimmers, as they start to learn a rudimentary form of back stroke and freestyle. We are working toward the goal of water safety and being able to swim independently on the surface of the water, on their front and back. We are always so proud of our toddlers who leave us and despite their amazing ability, we can’t help but be a little sad as we hand them over to mainstream swimming lessons having been with us on this wonderful journey for all this time!
Please note, if you and your toddler are interested in joining our classes, we would love to talk to you, so we can ensure that your little one goes into the appropriate Ducks level class.
All toddlers are handpicked dependent on experience and age into smaller classes of similar abilities, to ensure classes are as efficient as possible. Please contact us to assess your baby’s ability to make sure you enrol in the most appropriate class.