Fun Fact #1: A well looked after swim centre is one of the safest environments to avoid nasties like the cold virus or RSV! How so….?
Well, it’s one of the few places where it’s possible for your child to avoid touching an unsanitised surface from the moment you get out of your car to leaving after lessons! Everything in the pool is disinfected by chlorine (UV also deals with crypto/giardia etc but that’s a separate conversation 🙂 ) and our change rooms have courtesy disinfectant sprays.
Duck and Dive are one of the few places left where social distancing is still prioritised: in reception, in the pool and in the change rooms. Other places where you can swim are often less crowded at this time of the year making social distancing possible when you swim recreationally so swimming twice a week for baby’s exercise, stimulation and neurodevelopment is 100% possible. Don’t forget we are teaching YOU to be the teachers of your baby in our specially developed program!
Fun Fact #2: Your child is most likely to pick up cold viruses from a trusted source,,,,,care givers! This is their greatest exposure risk followed closely by any environment where toys or surfaces are shared with other children, especially the “petri dish” play centres which are high traffic venues.
If bub goes to day care, it’s a given that they’ll be catching something 🙁 but if your child doesn’t, then the risk lies with ANY adult who picks up your child or changes their nappy etc. And when you sneak out of the house for a play date then the risk increases again!
Fun Fact #3: We are not all like Tarzan! At Artarmon, the change rooms are heated and the pool is a steamy 32 degrees. All year round, it never changes. When you are wet and get out of the warm water, the cold is felt on your skin. This is noticeable straight away as the air in the pool hall has to be changed 3 times per hour and is done so by ventilation, naturally. So chucking a towel or baby wrap on is something you automatically do for bubby but what about for you?! Consider adding a robe to your swim kit so you walk through the public areas back to the change rooms in comfort. Simples! Here are some ideas: upgrade your bathrobe and use your old one; adult change robe (Anaconda); surf poncho (ebay or any surf shop) or a deck coat (online stores or speedo).
Fun Fact #4: We will make every effort to find a spot for you if you return at a later date but as you know we are very small and space is always limited. Additionally North Sydney pool is still not open and Willoughby Leisure centre is closing for a refurb soon so that tightens availability of swimming lessons for the whole north shore if we can’t help you out.
The top 5 reasons to swim during winter (or more accurately, why NOT to stop during winter) has already been covered off but if you think about all the self sacrifices you have made for your baby in their little lives so far, braving a few seconds of cold is a small trade off for the multiple benefits!