It’s time to book in your baby swimming lessons for next term!
Read this first!
SECURE YOUR SPOT quickly by reading below and booking online. Phone calls/emails can only be returned when we are not teaching. If in doubt, book on and then send us an immediate query by email.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE SUPER IMPORTANT and avoid awkward conversations once term has started 🙂 Please ensure you read them prior to committing (there is a box for you to tick) but here are some high points:
THERE ARE NO REFUNDS once booked on within 5 business days before the first day of term (not your first lesson). Prior to this date you may cancel less a $40 admin fee.
THERE ARE NO TRANSFER OF FEES OR CREDITS should you change your mind or be unable to attend lessons for any reason, even for extended absences, medical conditions under advice, with or without certification. We will, of course make every endeavor to assist with workarounds and make up classes subject to operational limitations.
MAKE UP CLASS AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED. They are intended for illness not convenience and are entirely dependent on YOUR flexibility and availability plus the swimming community (you guys!) marking absences at least 2 hours beforehand so other carers can use your place. No make ups are carried over to the following term.
If you need a reminder for any questions, then check back to our FAQ’s. Terms and conditions will need to be reviewed before payment.
OK, LET’S GO BABY…!!!!!!!
As at 22nd July your baby needs to be:
Less than 12 months old (if older contact us to discuss an appropriate level)
More than 5.5 kilos [estimate] (if less, book yourself in so you don’t miss out then contact ustoday for a chat)
Even though Covid is a thing of the past, we still manage flu and other nasties really well. Here’s why!
Our term dates are below. When you click through to book, only classes that are available will be shown.
Term 3 at Artarmon & Kogarah:
22nd July week commencing
– 10 week term for all classes
Cost per 10 week term:
– Artarmon – $325 for weekday classes, $340 for weekend classes
– Kogarah – no midweek classes, $325 for weekend classes
Before you book on:
Know your baby’s weight – you will need this to buy your Happy Nappy (mandatory requirement).
Have your credit card ready, your place will be confirmed in real time
Remember to pre-order your “Happy Nappy” or “Starter Pack” by clicking ADD PRODUCT PURCHASE
To book, go to our Parent Portal, scroll to “Click Here” under ‘My Account’, enter your family name and email, select your class and check all your details.
A welcome email with everything else you need to know prior to your first lesson will follow soon.
See you in the pool!
(opt out: contact us and we will remove your account)