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Why Choose Duck & Dive?

This is your “all you need to know before first lesson” welcome pack!
It’s purpose is to make sure carers know what to expect well in advance of the first lesson which ultimately benefits yourself and helps us to run things smoothly.
We ask that you take the time to read the whole document, it’s linked in sections for ease of reference if you need to re-visit. So step 1 is to SAVE this page to your favourites!
The Parent Portal
Let’s Connect
Contact details
The Fine Print
Medical conditions
Splashabout Nappy Requirements
Makeup Policy
Car Parking (Artarmon)
Directions and helpful parking notes
Visitors, additional carers and photos
Feeding times
Do I need a baby wet suit?
Do I need goggles?
Where do I get disposable swim nappies from?
Nappy requirements
Poo, wee and snot
Swim caps and goggles
Checklist of things to bring
More FAQ’s?
I have an issue, who do I talk to? (Contact us)
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The Parent Portal
Use the parent portal to:
Let’s Connect
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with our news, events & offers.
Contact Details
At re-booking time, we’ll text / email you a reminder. Ensure all your contact details are up to date in the parent portal or else you may lose your spot!
The Fine Print
You signed off on the terms and conditions before you booked and paid, but it’s nice to have them handy if you need them (click here to review).
Medical Conditions
If there are any medical conditions we should have been advised prior to booking. If you’ve forgotten then drop us a line. If your child is advised to stop swimming prior to term start or mid term contact us to discuss. Generally, the medical profession may advocate “no swimming” without knowledge of our program, operational controls or possible modifications to lessons. We can’t work around every issue but we do work around most, and this comes with substantial experience having/had a lot of health professionals as clients swimming their babies with us. If you are unlucky enough to not be able to swim please refer back to the terms and conditions.
Splashabout Nappy Requirements
We are experts at ensuring nappies are correctly sized (by weight not age) and are fit for purpose with snug fitting elastic. Keeping poo out of the pool is a #1 priority!
Splashabout is the ONLY brand that may be worn in our pools. If you attend with another brand (even if they look the same) you will be asked to purchase one of ours.
Happynappies are to be worn from aged 0-4 years, potty trained or not. If you haven’t bought one yet visit the parent portal select “My Account”, log in, then “Add a Product”.
If you have your own own – that’s cool, as long as it’s meets the above description and is in good condition. We’ll check it out before you get in the pool.
Happynappy silver lining – if you don’t want to use a disposable swimming nappy – this is another option and can be bought from the parent portal. Check out our Fun Fact too!
Starter pack
We have created a Starter pack for any new clients joining us.
This pack includes – a Happy nappy, Happy nappy silver lining, spaceship and watering can.
These two toys will become familiar toys to your bub as they are used in our lessons each week and you can use them at home during bub’s bath time or when swimming recreationally.
Makeup Policy
The policy can be reviewed in full in the link below. The important points are:
If you know you are not going to make a lesson, (eg the night before or first thing in the morning if baby looks unwell), mark yourself absent for the intended lesson. Full details can be found, here at My Makeup.
Allowed with strict rules on photography. The pool hall has limited space and seating. We ask that only 1 spectator accompanies a baby if possible. We realise there are times that other spectators wish to attend but understand that the noise levels can upset the babies and teachers cannot make themselves heard.
Change rooms are not unisex. Feel free to come ready to swim and leave without using the change rooms but they are open if it is more convenient for you to use them. Do not change in the pool hall or reception at Artarmon.
Car parking (Artarmon)
Car parking: Only 1 car per baby – EVER! Otherwise another carer may not be able to park and will miss their lesson. NOT cool…., We only have enough spots for the class in progress and the next class coming. Sometimes the car park looks 1/2 empty but the next class might be slammed and you wouldn’t know this. So, tell any spectators to street park or all come in 1 car. Thanks!
Directions and helpful parking notes
ARTARMON – 8-12 Lambs Rd, Artarmon, 2064
KOGARAH – St George School, 2a Marshall St, Kogarah
Visitors, additional carers and photos
After extensive internal market research, we learned that 50% of our clients DO NOT WANT spectators or photography. We have therefore created a spectator policy that allows for the privacy of those that don’t which requires those that do to follow our simple rules.
Please respect our rules and make it easy for us as we will remove spectator and photography privileges at our discretion if noncompliance becomes an issue. Short version:
Feeding times
Baby should have had their last meal 1-2 hours before your lesson, and a light one at that. You may stay for a feed after your lesson.
Do I need a baby wet suit?
We sell Splashabout wetsuits to help keep bub warm if they feel the cold. These can be purchased from the parent portal.
There are baby wetsuits pool side for clients to borrow if baby appears cold or temperatures drop.
Do I need goggles?
Baby doesn’t need goggles until they are 3 years old.
Carers will need goggles by week 8 of the Ducklings 1 level so you can see baby clearly under the water.
We recommend clear lensed goggles as baby sometimes get a little “worried” when they see mummy or daddy wearing them. You can buy a pair in advance through the parent portal.
Where do I get disposable swim nappies from?
Coles, Woollies, Chemist Warehouse etc.
If your baby is less than 7 kilos, you are unlikely to find the right size so just buy the size small.
Jump back to Splashabout Nappy Requirements
Nappy requirements
Happynappies are to be worn from aged 0-4 years, potty trained or not.
Poo, wee and snot
Before entering the pool hall, practice pool etiquette:
– make sure your child has gone to the toilet.
– blow their nose.
– Even if your child is toilet trained, talk to them about not doing a wee in the pool and why.
If your child needs to go to the toilet during the lesson, the carer has to take them so please don’t disappear from the pool-side for any reason, unless asked by the teacher (eg because child has separation issues).
Swim caps and goggles
Swimming caps are mandatory for all children aged 3+
Why? Because hair over the eyes is a distraction. Hands are for paddling not wiping hair away. It is also required for OH&S
Goggles are an essential piece of kit so make sure that your child is comfy wearing them prior to their first lesson. If your child is unsure get them to practice wearing the goggles in the shower or bath.
We recommend Vorgee goggles for the children and you can always buy a pair in advance through the parent portal.
More FAQ’s
Many more questions can be answered here!
I have an issue, who do I talk to? (Contact us)
Your teacher is available before/after your lesson for a quick chat.
The office phone is best for longer discussion. It will divert to one of the owners Adam or Barb. Leave a message as they are often teaching.
Duck and Dive is a very small, family owned and run business.
Adam and Barbara have considerable baby swimming knowledge and have devoted their life to the aquatics industry. They want you and your baby to have the best experience possible.
Please speak with us on any matter. We are at your service!
Office: 0437 400 300 (we can’t stay on top of missed calls, but ALWAYS respond to left messages).
In addition to filling this term, we are also taking expressions of interest for next term. Get in quick!
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